Not Only Genetics Assure Fast Metabolism, But These 7 Things As Well

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4. Drinking water at room temperature

It’s been proven that drinking a glass of ice water burns calories. According to the University of Washington, you burn 8 more calories for every 1 cup of cold water you drink when compared to drinking 1 cup of room temperature water. The reason you burn more calories drinking cold water than room temperature water is because your body is fighting, or burning energy, to keep your temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit which is the average body temperature.


5. Not getting enough sleep

The amount of rest you get each night doesn’t only affect your mood and productivity the next day. Researchers have found that it also affects your metabolism. Sleep-deprived individuals have a decreased ability to manage blood sugar levels and also may find themselves hungrier (particularly for high carbohydrate foods). So, sleep more for a healthier metabolism. A win-win situation we reckon!


6. Consuming too much alcohol

In moderation, alcohol has been shown to have some positive health effects including slightly increasing, not decreasing, your metabolism. However, alcohol is still high in calories and offers few nutrients. Drinking too much could counteract any of its positive health effects and make it harder for you to lose weight. Aside from this, findings showing that moderate alcohol consumption can help you control your weight, and the research is clear that drinking excessively will cause you to gain weight. An analysis showed that people who had four or more drinks per day, along with binge drinkers (those who may not drink every day but drink heavily on regular occasions) were significantly more likely to become obese. If weight control is your goal, moderation with alcohol is key.


7. Not getting enough vitamin D

Living in many parts of the world entails long winters with little sunlight and, even when the sun is shining, many of us tend to be confined to offices and not outside soaking up the rays. But did you know that vitamin D boosts your metabolism? Every cell in your body needs vitamin D to function properly – including the dreaded fat cells. Special receptors for the vitamin signal whether you should burn fat or simply store it and when vitamin D plugs into these receptors, it’s like a key that drives your body’s fat-melting mechanism.


READ ALSO: Top 9 Foods For Boosting Your Metabolism Video


So, next time you look at a lean person, don’t feel jealous about their quick metabolism. It seems they don’t even work for their body because now you can see that they most likely do! There are many other things that can slow down your metabolism such as not getting enough exercise and a lack of other vitamins and minerals other than those we’ve mentioned here, but by doing your research and making some relatively small changes to your lifestyle, you can rev that engine once again and start to see your efforts pay off as the fat melts away!


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