One Common Vitamin that fights Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s

Alzheimers Concept.

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When vitamin D receptors are not stimulated the normally precise gene signaling goes awry and it stops the normal clearance of protein clumps that are associated with dementia. The research team concluded that their findings suggest that an insufficient amount of vitamin D in the body greatly increases the risk of the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Another study conducted in Spain in 1996, looked at the vitamin D status of 1,226 subjects. These same subjects were tested again 8 years later. Their vitamin D levels were then contrasted with the development of diabetes over the course of this study and discovered that those with blood levels of vitamin D levels above 18.5 ng/ml had as much as an 83 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes over this 8 year period. No one in this study, which was published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, with a vitamin D level of and over, went on to develop diabetes.

These studies, and countless others, done over the past 10 years show that vitamin D is perhaps the most important hormone-based nutrient ever. Unfortunately, millions of people ignore this vital information and place themselves at risk.

If you ae over 21 years of age, you should supplement with a minimum of 2,000 IU of vitamin D every single day. Large amounts of research provide ample evidence that higher levels of vitamin D dramatically lower the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and dementia.



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