Pump Up Your Immune System With These Probiotic Foods!

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

4. Kefir

No, kefir is not a type of Christmas tree, it’s a fermented milk drink. Something like a liquid yogurt. This product is made by adding kefir grains to cow’s milk (sometimes goat milk) and allowing it to ferment. Kefir grains aren’t a true grain, but are actually lactic acid bacteria cultures that look something like small pieces of cauliflower. Although most Americans are familiar with yogurt, kefir is a much better source of probiotics.


5. Natto

This is a fermented soy bean food which contains probiotic bacteria called bacillus subtilis. Natto is a very common food in Japan, where it is often mixed with rice and served as a breakfast food. Natto has a very strong flavor and smell, which is why it is often mixed with rice. This soy food is rich in vitamin K2 and protein. One study involving elderly Japanese males found that those who consumed natto on a regular basis had higher bone mineral density.

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