The Causes and Cures of MS

Fish Oil Capsules

Photo credit: bigstock

4. Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements have been helpful, along with the consumption of more cold water fish. It’s thought that they omega 3 fatty acids help with symptoms.


5. Carnitine

Taking carnitine supplements have been found to be very helpful for reducing the symptoms of fatigue.


6. Yoga

Believe it or not, yoga has been shown to be very helpful for improving both neural function and muscle function. Subjects who participated in a 6 month yoga class showed that they had a significant improvement in fatigue levels compared to the control group, according to a study published in Neurology.

Smoking increases the risk of developing MS but it’s not the nicotine that causes this increase. It’s unknown at this time why smoking increases the risk although there are many theories. The cyanide in cigarettes is one theory. Cyanide has been known to cause damage to nerve tissue. Smoker’s vulnerability to infections is also thought to be the reason. If you are an MS patient, don’t smoke as it only makes your symptoms worse.

Other notable causes for MS include stress, trauma, and excessive EMF exposure.


Trivieri, Larry. Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts, 2002. Print.

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One Comment

  1. BOKinLarksville

    Jan 23, 2015 at 5:51 pm

    Your article was interesting until you pushed a bunch of supplements.. Real food should have been the emphasis, not some snake oil that hasn’t been proven to do anything but lighten your wallet..