The Dangers Of This One Ingredient (And It’s In Almost Everything Americans Eat! )

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By now you have probably heard about the dangers of MSG. The problem is that most people think MSG is only in Chinese food or soy sauce. The truth is that this ingredient is in so many foods you probably consume every day and don’t know it.

The FDA only classifies MSG (monosodium glutamate) as a food additive that they consider to be perfectly safe. This additive is used to improve or enhance the flavor of food products, including packaged foods and restaurant meals.

MSG is a neurotoxin that overexcites the cells causing everything from mild reactions to severe health problems, even cell death. This man-made version is made out of 80 percent free glutamic acid and 20 percent sodium. Glutamic acid is a nerve stimulant which tricks the brain into believing that something tastes better than it actually does.

The dangerous side effects of MSG were first reported as far back as 1968. Just some of the most common symptoms include feelings of weakness or numbness in the arms and heart palpitations. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology was commissioned by the FDA to find out if there were any possible side effects to MSG. The symptoms that the FASEB found are referred to collectively as “the MSG complex.”

The free glutamic acid that is put in food can lead to some serious reactions, especially if you happen to be one of those persons with a sensitivity to MSG. Believe it or not, MSG is also found in other things besides food. You will find MSG in a type of plant growth enhancer called AuxiGro. It can also be found in other types of plant fertilizer and fungicides. By the way, the truly terrible news is that these types of fertilizers are approved for use in “organic” foods.

Let’s take a look at the major symptoms that many people experience when eating MSG:

    • Circulatory issues which include swelling
    • Visual problems which include blurred vision, feelings of pressure around the eyes, and difficulty focusing on objects
    • Cardiac issues such as slow heartbeat, palpitations, angina, atrial fibrillation, rapid heartbeat, and extreme highs or lows in blood pressure
    • Gastrointestinal problems including vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps and nausea
    • Muscular pains, stiffness, flu-like aches and pains, and joint pain
    • Urological problems include bladder pain, frequent urination, swelling of the prostate, and spotting
    • Neurological problems such as depression, anxiety, mood swings, confusion, disorientation, panic attacks, chills, numbness, slurred speech, and uncontrollable shuddering
    • Skin problems are very common including hives, mouth lesions, tingling, dryness of the mouth, tongue swelling, bags under the eyes, numbness in the skin, rashes, and temporary paralysis.
    • Respiratory issues including things like asthma, runny nose, chest pain, sneezing, shortness of breath, and a feeling of tightness in the chest area

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