The Hidden Dangers Of Plastic Wrap

Woman at home using microwave oven

Photo credit: bigstock

Safer alternatives to plastic wrap

In some countries, plastic wrap manufactures are not required by law to list ingredients used to make the product, so it’s difficult to know for sure which chemical compounds are found in the plastic wrap you may be using. The safest approach is to avoid using plastic wrap at all.

If you’re transporting food, try using a Tupperware, ceramic or glass container instead. If you need to heat your food up in a microwave oven, try using a ceramic or glass dish or container as opposed to a plastic one. Never use plastic wrap in a microwave. If you need to cover something, just use a paper towel, napkin or a plate.

The key point here is not to allow direct contact between plastic wrap (or any other kind of plastic) and your food while it is being heated. Opting for non-toxic glass and ceramic will reduce all risk of exposure, a simple but very effective solution.

Similarly, you should take precautions with drinks sold in plastic bottles. Even if those cheap bottles of water are cool, it’s still possible that they were left sitting out in the sun during transit or prior to being placed on store shelves. You just don’t know. The safest approach is to avoid drinking from disposable plastic bottles if you can, and use stainless steel or BPA-free reusable hard plastic bottles instead.


READ ALSO: The Shocking Things That Happen When You Don’t Recycle Old Plastic


Does this mean that it’s time to panic if there’s plastic wrap covering some of your food in the fridge right now? No. It’s just something to be aware of. Remove the wrap when you decide to heat the food, and you’ll be fine. A few simple precautions can go a long way toward protecting you from the health risks posed by the chemicals in plastic wrap and other plastic products.


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  1. Scoob Edoo

    Jun 12, 2017 at 10:18 am

    Please work on getting some of your facts straight or straighter. LDPE wrap doesn’t contain DEHA as it doesn’t need a plasticizer to remain flexible. DEHA is not an endocrine disruptor, either.

    • Beach Potato

      Jun 12, 2017 at 1:24 pm

      Google the write up by Dr. Meccola. He states the plastic wrap LDPE does contain trace amounts of DEHA. Please do your homework before throwing shade on an excellent and well researched piece.

      • Scoob Edoo

        Jun 12, 2017 at 11:05 pm

        Well if the all-knowing, infallible Mercola said it, it must be true. Lemming.