The Potentially Dangerous Ingredient In Your Almond Milk

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Over the past 30 years, non-dairy milks and creamers have become very trendy among health-conscious people in the Western world. Soy milk, cashew milk, and most importantly, almond milk have become regarded as safe, natural, and healthy alternatives to cow’s milk. Considering that as many as 75% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant, it only makes sense that people would embrace these new beverages as they became available. But in recent years, reports have begun circulating on the internet that almond milk may not be as healthy as once thought due to a special additive, and could even be detrimental to your health. This article will explore the fact and fiction regarding carrageenan, a controversial ingredient in many of your favorite products.


What is Carrageenan?

Carrageenan is derived from seaweed, and is named after the Caragheen region of Ireland where it was first harvested. Chemically speaking, it is a sulfate polygalactan which has anticoagulant properties. For this reason, it was first put into use in the 1930s as a thickening agent in food processing. Since it has no taste of its own, it did not alter the final product except by allowing the food to hold together better. This was its only application since it has no nutritional value nor any preservative qualities. It quickly gained popularity in the food industry and remains a very common additive to processed foods to this day.

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One Comment

  1. Joe M

    Jun 27, 2016 at 12:57 pm

    So if Carrageenan comes from seaweed, does that make consuming seaweed bad for your health?