The Top 25 Almost-Magical Uses For Rosemary Essential Oil (#25 Is The Best)

stress relief

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13. Superior Stress Relief

One 2007 study found that simply sniffing rosemary essential oil lowered levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Excessive levels of cortisol can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, heart disease and weight gain. Add rosemary essential oil to your room diffuser, or keep a bottle handy in your purse, jacket pocket, backpack, or desk drawer for instant stress relief.


14. Improves Mental Clarity

Feeling indecisive? Overwhelmed? Confused or simply unsure? A little rosemary might be just what you need. Rosemary reduces stress and improves cognitive function, which means that it can help clear your head while relieving stress and anxiety.


15. Improves Circulation

If you tend to have cold hands or feet, get cramps in your feet, or suffer from general poor circulation, then rosemary oil is for you. Simply mix three or four drops of rosemary essential oil with your favorite carrier oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil, and massage this oil mixture into your hands, feet, and other parts of the body.


16. Supports The Immune System

Rosemary oil can give your immune system a real helping hand due to its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-viral compounds. Our lymph system works with the immune system to clear by body of waste and foreign invaders. By massaging your lymph nodes, you can stimulate the lymph system to remove toxins. Add three or four drops of rosemary essential oil to a tablespoon of your favorite carrier oil. Starting at your wrists, massage your arms upwards towards your heart, paying special attention to the lymph nodes under your arms. Now start to massage the center of your chest, rubbing towards the heart. Finally, massage the lymph nodes under your neck with downward strokes toward your heart.

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