The Truth about Sugar Addiction and What Happens When You Quit

Stevia leaves with stevia powder and sugar cubes on a slate plat

Photo credit: bigstock

4. Weight Loss

Although you might expect this, what you won’t believe is how easily the weight will come off. Most people lose weight without trying and the changes will be permanent (as long as you stay off sugar). No more yo-yo dieting!


5.  Better Pain Control

Sugar feeds inflammation in the body, resulting in many chronic diseases, including arthritis and other types of joint pain. Many people find that within just a few weeks after quitting sugar, their joint pain simply disappears.

As you can see, going sugar free can give you simply amazing health benefits. You will have more energy, clearer thinking, and look great after just a few weeks!

Many people decide to quit sugar after they have been diagnosed with some type of health problem. Why wait until you have a terrible disease to quit sugar? Stopping your addiction now might mean that you can skirt disease altogether. Prevention is always better than any cure.

Sugar is acid forming in the body and keeps the body in a state of low-grade inflammation. Also, keep in mind that sugar feeds cancer and no one wants that houseguest.

When quitting sugar, if you find yourself in the throes of some terrible cravings, try eating sour foods that will naturally curb your cravings for sugar. Also, eating more fermented foods and probiotic beverages will naturally cut your sugar cravings by feeding your gut bacteria.


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