Things You Really Should Know Before You Use Ginger

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4.  Controls Chemotherapy Nausea

Unfortunately, many people find that chemotherapy makes them extremely nauseous and unable to eat. Research shows that ginger can help to stop those feelings. One study that was performed in 2009 found that consuming ginger along with standard anti-nausea drugs before chemotherapy treatment cut nausea by as much as 40 percent. Speak to your oncologist before consuming ginger to assure that there are no drug interactions.


5. Prevents Cold and Influenza

Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a means of treating cold and flu symptoms. Drinking fresh ginger tea two or three times per day can help to stop these annoying virus symptoms, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.


6. Motion Sickness

Did your mother give you a can of flat ginger ale when you felt nauseous as a kid? Studies show that ginger works better than a placebo when it comes to stopping motion sickness. Ginger relaxes the gastrointestinal system, including the surrounding muscles, so that you stop vomiting. You will find numerous motion sickness pills containing an extract from ginger for sale at your local health food store.


7.  More Nutrition

Consuming ginger improves the absorption of essential nutrients from the foods you eat by stimulating pancreatic enzyme and gastric secretion.

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