Things You Really Should Know Before You Use Ginger

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8. Arthritis

Since ginger has anti-inflammatory compounds, it’s no wonder that ginger has long used as a means of treating a wide variety of arthritis type pain. The University of Miami found that using a highly concentrated ginger extract reduced inflammation in patients who were suffering with osteoarthritis of the knee when compared to the placebo group.


9. Keeps Normal Blood Circulation

Of the many compounds in ginger, its magnesium, zinc, and chromium are known to improve blood flow in the body, as well as prevent fevers, chills, and excessive sweating.


SEE ALSO: 10 Amazing Benefits Of Ginger Infographic


10.  Morning Sickness

Research shows that ginger works well to fight pregnant women who experience morning sickness. Obstetrics and Gynecology published a review showing that four of six studies that involved ginger found that this spice was much more effective than a placebo and not a single study has shown a side effect to short term use.

One of the great things about ginger is that you can make your own ginger ale and ginger tea with just a few inches of fresh ginger root. Real ginger ale is naturally fermented, which makes it full of healthy probiotics, which are important for digestive health as well as immune system function. Ginger tea is the perfect solution for upset tummies and feelings of nausea. Add a touch of cinnamon to your tea for extra sweetness.

Ginger can have interactions with other medications. If you are under a doctor’s care or are taking blood thinners, diabetes medications, or blood pressure medications, talk to your doctor before consuming ginger to avoid any dangerous drug interactions.


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