Tips For A Quick 2-Minute Stress Relief

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Some common triggers that may set off stressful feelings

Different people get stressed out by many different things. Here is a list of the most common triggers that may provoke you into stress, and how to deal with them.

  • If you are often angry and irritated by thoughts, you may have an incorrect perception, or misunderstanding of a situation or problem. You may also be emotional, and jumping to conclusions which do not exist. Take time to consider your thoughts, breathe, and reflect on what the truth of the matter might be.
  • If you are unsure of your ability to do a certain task, especially at work, don’t go into a panic and try to cope on your own. Ask a colleague for help, or consult your boss for advice.
  • If you suddenly feel oppressively tense, take a hot bath, practise some mini-relaxation techniques, and get some exercise. This will help to reduce tension.
  • If you have a pessimistic frame of mind, teach yourself to be optimistic about what you can achieve if you put your mind to it. Worry and pessimism about life will not help you to live even one day longer, but instead has the potential to take away joy, good health, and make sure you that live under a dark cloud. Living in the moment and a positive mindset can help to lift you from the pit of pessimism.
  • If you are often late for work or appointments, and the thought of it stresses you out, the key to destressing is learning to manage your time better. If you allow yourself an extra 15 minutes travelling time, increase it by 10 minutes, to get to your destination on time. Should you be trapped in a traffic snarl-up make a couple of calls to explain why you may be late. Just doing something positive about something which is out of your control, will help you to stay calm, instead of seething with frustration.


READ ALSO: The Best Tips For Beating Stress And Boosting Happiness Infographic


It may sound a bit whacky, but make a habit of talking to yourself in an optimistic way if you feel panic coming on. It can help you to put things in perspective, and identify distorted thoughts.

A positive mindset will make a major difference to the way you cope with stress.


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