Top 20 Dangerous Foods You Absolutely Must Avoid

bad bread

Photo credit: bigstock

10.  Packaged Cookies

This is another no brainer. Cookies aren’t healthy, that’s common knowledge.
Still, who can resist those Girl Scout cookies? Did you know that those cookies actually do contain some trans-fat, even if the box says it doesn’t? It’s true.
Those are mostly a once a year treat, but how about the cookies you routinely pick up at the market? Check the label to see if they are made with partially hydrogenated cooking oil. If they are, put them back.
If you read the label carefully, you will see that they contain white flour, tons of sugar, artificial flavors, colors, and simply tons of preservatives.
If you must indulge, look for cookies that use “high oleic” oils that keep the product fresher without all the trans-fats. Or, of course, you can always bake a few cookies at home. In this way you can avoid most of the artificial things packaged cookies contain.
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