Top 20 Dangerous Foods You Absolutely Must Avoid

mechanically produced burgers

Photo credit: bigstock

3. Mechanically Produced Hamburgers

When you see those large packages of industrially produced hamburgers, think of this: Crowded cattle that are raised in filthy stalls pumped full of antibiotics and hormones, eating diets that are, at best, revolting.

Your single hamburger patty doesn’t come from just one animal, either, but rather, it’s a combination of hundreds of cows. That means there is a bigger risk for E.coli contamination.

This ground beef also contains something you may have heard of recently, called pink slime. Pink slime is the fat that the slaughter house cuts off the meat portion of the cow. It used to be sold only as dog food, but now this pink slime is doused with ammonia, then ground up with the meat itself as filler.

The USDA doesn’t think this pink slime needs to be labeled since, in their logic, it IS part of the cow, therefore, in their minds anyway, it’s beef. Doesn’t that sound good on the family grill?

Be safe and eat healthy. Eat only grass fed beef.

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