Top 10 Foods that Could Literally Save Your life

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

5. Liver

Don’t make that face! Humans have been eating animals for thousands of years (maybe even millions of years) and our bodies are well adapted to eating meat and organ meat. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors didn’t just eat the breast meat, folks, they ate every piece of meat on an animal once they killed it; the brain, the liver, the heart, even the testicles.

Organs, such as the liver, are some of the most nutritious parts of an animal and the liver is the most nutritious of all the organ meats. In fact, the liver has so many nutrients that some people have called it Mother Nature’s Multivitamin.

One serving of liver includes folate, copper, Vitamin A, B2, B12, B3, B5, B6 and many others (16).

If you want to be healthy and eat like our ancestors, eat more organ meats, especially liver. Just one serving a week will do the trick and it will dramatically improve your average intake of many vital nutrients.

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