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Top 12 Garden Hacks For Your Most Successful Garden Ever!

Photo credit: bigstock.com
9. Get Creative with Labels
If you have plastic markers that you used permanent markers on to write out which vegetables you planted where, you can reuse them by simply sanding off the permanent marker with everyday sand paper. Or you can get creative and make your own labels by painting rocks, roof tiles, writing on terra cotta pots, or even using broken terra cotta pots.
SEE ALSO: Grow Your Own Herbal Salve Garden with These 10 Plants
10. Make Your Own Measuring Stick
You can turn almost any long handled gardening tool, such as a shovel or hoe, into a measuring stick. Set your tool on the ground and, using a tape measure and permanent marker, note inches and feet measurements on the handle. When you are out gardening and you need to space your seedlings so many inches apart, you won’t have to run back into the house for a measuring tape, you can simply use the handle of your garden tool!
11. Save on Water
This is especially important for those who live in drought prone areas, such as California. Save water everywhere you can and use it in the garden. Put a bucket in the shower and collect the water that would normally go down the drain while you wait for the water to get hot. Use the water from boiling vegetables to water your garden once it has cooled down. Put buckets or large plastic trash cans under eves of the roof or the down spout to collect rainwater that you can use in your garden later. If possible, you could even reroute your washing machine drain so that it drains into a large trash can or directly out into your garden for free water every time you wash clothes.
12. Bargain Mulch
Mulch is really important as it helps to conserve water and keep weeds down. However, if you have a large garden, many types of mulch from those home improvement stores can be expensive. It might not be pretty, but old newspapers do a great job as mulch. You can then cover the newspaper with sawdust or coffee grounds. You can get free coffee grounds from Starbucks or start asking your friends and neighbors if you need more.
Bonus Tip: Speaking of coffee grounds, if you do make coffee at home, it makes a great fertilizer. Simply save the coffee that you would otherwise throw away (no added sugar or milk, only plain black coffee) in a bucket. When the bucket is half full, add water until the bucket is completely full and water your garden as you normally would. Free fertilizer, who knew?! Read more about free fertilizers.