Top 12 Healthiest Foods on the Planet

Seaweed Salad With Sesame Seeds

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9. Kelp

Although you might not find dried kelp in your local supermarket, you can easily find kelp supplements everywhere. Consuming a kelp supplement will greatly increase your calcium intake, vitamin K, and folate intake for the day with one serving. Be sure you are buying kelp from a quality source and not some company who is just selling green colored pills.

Although it’s the calcium in kelp that gets most of the attention, kelp also has a wide variety of vitamin s and minerals. Since it’s harvested from the ocean, it has a very different set of vitamins than veggies grown on the land. It also has a different set of phytonutrients as well. Kelp supplements are fairly inexpensive too, so adding this to your diet won’t break the bank but they sure will add to your bank of nutrients.

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