Top 12 Herbs to Kick Insomnia to the Curb

Bunch of lavender flowers

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5. Lavender

The mountain ranges of the Mediterranean are the original homeland of lavender (lavandula augustifolia) and it has a long history of being used in home remedies for sleeplessness. Lavender has even been the subject of several research studies in recent years for its potential to treat insomnia. The Associated Sleep Society says that lavender oil is a very effective way of relieving mild insomnia, especially among young persons and women.


6. California Poppy

Remember Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, falling asleep among a field of poppies? Perhaps they were California poppies! This plant is native to California, Mexico, and the Southwestern states. It can induce sleep due to two active compounds, californine and protopine. These are alkaloid compounds that work the same way benzodiazepines do. The real benefit of using this herb to help induce sleep is that it won’t leave you feeling groggy in the morning. California poppy also works to reduce depression and anxiety, two main causes of insomnia.


7.  St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is an ancient herb that has been used by herbalists and traditional healers to treat depression, induce sleep, and relieve pain. In fact, the first documented use of this plant dates back to ancient Greece, where it was used for nervousness. Research indicates that St. John’s Wort (Hypericum prolificum) can help balance REM sleep patterns for more quality sleep.


8. Passion Flower

Sometimes falling asleep quickly isn’t half as important as staying sleep! If this is your problem, then passion flower might be the answer for you. Once approved as an over the counter sleep aid and general sedative in the USA, it was removed once official sources determined that there were not enough studies to prove its effectiveness. Passion flower can also help reduce feelings of anxiety to lead to insomnia.

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