Top 12 Proven Benefits of Coconut Oil

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Photo credit: bigstock

12. Greatly improves digestion

If you are one of those individuals who suffer from bloating, excess gas, and overall poor digestion, try adding some coconut oil to your daily diet. Coconut oil has been proven to help improve digestive problems such as microbial stomach bugs, and irritable bowel syndrome. It’s the antimicrobial properties in the fatty acids of coconut oil which kill bacteria, candida, or parasites in the digestive system.

Using coconut oil as your primary source of cooking oil will help prevent stomach and digestion related problems. It kills bacteria, fungi, even parasites that can cause indigestion, heartburn, and problems in the colon such as diarrhea and constipation. Eating coconut oil can help the body absorb more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from the foods you eat. Coconut oil does a great job by killing and preventing candida. It gives you relief from the inflammation both internally and externally and unlike other treatments, you won’t suffer from withdrawal symptoms many people experience when stopping pharmaceutical medications.

Everyone tolerates coconut oil, the elderly, infants, and anyone with stomach problems should definitely be consuming more coconut oil.

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