Top 15 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

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7. Lady Ferns

So beautiful, and so helpful! Grab some lady fern leaves and roll them up in your hands the next time you get a nasty burn, cut, or a stinging insect bite. The juice from the leaves is remarkably healing to the skin and stops minor pain in a quick minute. Ferns have been around for about 360 million years!

Lady Fern is one of the oldest plants on earth and offers soothing relief from sunburns and cuts. It has been used traditionally to stop fevers and coughs. In India, ferns are used to treat wounds, skin problems, coughs, and even painful centipede bites! You can use it to stop parasite infestation and balance out the digestive system. Many people find that Lady Fern helps ease breathing for those suffering from bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma.

Lady Fern is sometimes called Brake Root, or Rock of Polypody. Some ferns contain toxic substances, so be sure you only consume ferns that come from a reliable source and that you know exactly what you are taking. Speak to an herbalist if you have any doubt or questions before using.

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