Top 15 Things You Can Do Today To Prevent Cancer From Striking Tomorrow

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7. Focus on Plants

Make the majority of your diet plant-based, and by all means avoid cancer causing foods. Plan your meals so that you get at least eight servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Make organic fruits, vegetables, legumes, and beans the main focus of your diet, with meat being a minor part. One great way to do this is to start each lunch and dinner with a large salad. This is one part of your day where super-sizing your diet is a good thing! Eat as big a salad as you like! Fill it with vegetables and even a bit of protein if you like, such as white meat chicken, beans, tofu, and even a few cubes of hard cheese like cheddar. This doesn’t mean you should give up meat, but make it a side dish or add a very small amount, rather than making it the focal point of your meals.


8. Maintain a Healthy Weight

For many people, this is easier said than done, but it is an important part of fighting cancer. Facts show us that overweight and obese people are much more likely to get cancer. Obesity changes the function of the adipose tissues, which leads to chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. Obesity is also linked to a recurrence of cancer as well as overall mortality levels. Take whatever steps are necessary to lose weight gradually but steadily. Simply cutting back 500 calories each day will result in a weight loss of about one pound each week. This doesn’t sound like much, but imagine, if you continue do lose this amount each and every week, losing 52 pounds in one year? It is possible. If you want to avoid cancer, lose those extra pounds.


9. Avoid Sodas

Calorie-rich but nutrient-poor, sugary sodas, juices, and other drinks are the easiest way to gain weight and put you on the track toward developing cancer. Studies have suggested that one in every five calories consumed in America now comes from beverages, including those grande lattes that the Big Bucks coffee shops are serving. Sugary drinks, such as sodas, are loaded with calories, but have nothing else to offer you. They don’t satisfy your appetite, they don’t provide your body with any sort of nutrition, they only give you a very short burst of energy, plus lots of added calories. A diet high in sugar has not only been linked to diabetes and weight gain, but to cancer as well. For your health’s sake, drink more water or herbal tea.

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