Top 20 Ways to Shrink Pores and Get Beautifully Clear Skin

Apple Cider Vinegar

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9.  Butter and Salt Scrub

This mask will first open the pores to remove dirt and oil, and then it reduces their size and seals them. Mix a couple tablespoons of butter with a tablespoon of salt to make a paste. Apply this to your face and rub gently. Allow to sit for 15 minutes, and then wash off with cold water.


10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar will naturally balance the pH of the skin, as well as kill the bacteria that tends to cause acne breakouts. Always dilute apple cider vinegar before applying it to your skin. Mix one part of apple cider vinegar and one part water. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and rub it over your face. Allow it to sit for two or three minutes, and then rinse off with cold water. Apply a moisturizer afterwards so it doesn’t dry out your skin too much. Use this remedy once per day, usually before bedtime is best. read more about apple cider vinegar uses.


11. Oatmeal Mask

Oatmeal is a wonderfully moisturizing food and tomato is a natural astringent the removes excess oil and shrinks pores. Together, they make a powerful pore shrinking, face cleaning combination. Mix one part oatmeal with one part tomato pulp and mash them together well. Apply it to the face and allow sitting for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.


12. Cucumber Juice

Have you ever wondered why cucumber is in so many face and body products? Because it’s a natural astringent, refreshes the skin, gives it a beautifully healthy glow, while shrinking open pores. Juice one fresh cucumber and apply the juice to your face with a clean cotton ball. Allow it to work its magic for 15 minutes, the rinse off with cold water.

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