Top 5 Cancer Causing Foods and Top 5 Cancer Fighting Foods

Cherry tomatoes on the vine,garlic and basil

Photo credit: bigstock

5. Tomatoes

Yep, the lowly tomato is a super fantastic cancer fighter. Recent research studies show that eating tomatoes can help protect men from the devastating effects of prostate cancer. These beautiful red gems can protect the DNA in your cells from the type of damage that allows cancer to grow. Tomatoes contain high amounts of special type of antioxidant called lycopene. Your body actually absorbs this antioxidant more easily from processed tomatoes such as sauces or juice. Always make your own tomato sauce and juice from organic tomatoes at home, rather than buy them commercially to avoid unwanted ingredients such as sugar and salt.

Even a modest intake of tomato juice provides the body with important carotenoids, which fight inflammation. Drinking raw tomato juice lowers inflammation in the body by as much as 30 percent when consumed regularly over a 30 day period.

The regular consumption of tomatoes, including cooked, sauces, raw, and juices, are consistently associated with a lower risk of cancer as well as heart disease. So that marinara sauce you thinking about for Sunday’s dinner is better for you than you ever imagined!

Refer to this list often and keep it in mind when planning your meals. Never eat cancer causing foods or drinks and always eat your greens!


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