Top 5 Menopause Issues and How to Fix Them

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

5. You sleep poorly, can’t stay asleep, or can’t fall asleep

This is another common problem of menopause. What you really want to avoid here is taking sleeping pills as this is like going from the frying pan to the fire.

First, as we mentioned above, keep your bedroom cool and breezy. Run a fan that blows on your side of the bed (unless hubby likes the air, too!)

Put layers on the bed so you can remove them or add them without getting out of bed.

You should also make the room as dark as possible. Cover up digital clocks, use black out shades or heavy curtains, and turn off or cover up any source of light.

Try to keep a consistent sleep schedule. Although many people like to sleep in or stay up later on weekends, at this time in your life, things will work better if you have a set schedule.

Try getting a bit of exercise but not too much, and not at least two hours before bed. Don’t drink after 8PM to avoid trips to the bathroom and no caffeine after 6PM.

You should also avoid alcohol because even though it makes you feel sleepy, it tends to wake you up in the middle of the night.

Lastly, if you still don’t sleep well at night but feel sleepy during the day, try taking a nap.


6. Nothing seems to work but you don’t want to take hormones

People tend to have a very black or white view of hormones. You will hear women say how hormones saved their life or almost killed them. You can take the two key hormones, estrogen or progesterone, orally or as patches, or creams. You can take one or both, and in very different dosages. Then there are the bio identical hormones.

With so many options, what you will really need is a great doctor and lots of discussion. First you will want to discuss your cancer risks and your risk of heart disease. Then you need to discuss your family history. So if heart disease is chronic in your family, HRT is probably not a good idea for you.

Talk to your doctor and make sure that, no matter what choice you make, it’s an informed one and that your health will be monitored.


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