Top 6 Foods That Can Relieve Headaches

Ripe watermelons on wicker tray on table on wooden background

Photo credit: bigstock

6. Watermelon

Sometimes your headache is just a sign from your body that it’s dehydrated.

Now reaching for a cold glass of water might be your first reaction, but foods with high water content, such as watermelon or cucumbers, can help a lot. Besides water, watermelon offer essential minerals that we need when we become dehydrated such as potassium and magnesium.

Find out signs of magnesium deficiency.

Of course you can always do the usual routine, turn out the lights, draw the blinds, pop a pain pill, lie down and wait until it’s over.

But why not try a more natural way to eliminate your pain and add some of these items to your shopping list and see if you can eat your way to a pain free day.


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