Top 8 Things that Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer

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Although it is very difficult to single out any particular group as being the worst offender, fire retardants might be the worst but only because they found in every home in America.  Fire retardants can be found in everything, even the very mattress you sleep on every night. They are in your sofa, your chair, the carpet in your home, almost everything made of fabric has flame retardants in the material.

It’s been estimated that 90 percent of all people in America have these flame retardant chemicals in their bodies and numerous studies show they are connected to human health risks including birth defects, lower IQ scores, infertility, behavior problems in children, as well as several types of cancer, including testicular and breast cancer.

DDT and PCB’s, well-known carcinogens, are in the same class of chemical that flame retardants belong to. These types of chemicals also react with other toxins, should they burn, to produce cancer causing dioxins.

It’s amazing that another type of flame retardant, that was called TDCPP, was removed from children’s pajamas in the early 1970’s due to concerns that it might cause cancer, but it’s now added to sofas and cushions all over the US. Not OK for your children to sleep in, but OK for them to sit on. Your mattress is also made with flame retardant material. If you can afford to do so, ditch that toxic mattress and buy one that’s made of 100 percent wool or Kevlar, both of which are naturally flame retardant, no added toxins necessary!

Cosmetics may make us look and feel better ( Ok, even smell better), but many of the chemicals in your cosmetics are known carcinogens while others are known as hormone disruptors that can affect how estrogen works in your body. Estrogen can actually make hormone receptor positive breast cancer. These chemicals can encourage cancer cells to grow. Limit your exposure to these types of chemicals, such as triclosan, as much as possible.

Also be on the look- out for  parabens in cosmetics and antiperspirants, as well as many sun screens. Many studies show that parabens have estrogenic activity in research involving human breast cancer cells. Research done in 2012 showed that they found one, or sometimes more than one, type of paraben esters in 99 percent of the 160 tissue samples that were taken from 40 mastectomies. This consistent presence of parabens in cancerous tissue suggests that parabens, whether they are in your cosmetics, lotions, or antiperspirants, might increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

Seek out organic items, whether it is clothing, bed linens, laundry soap, household cleaners, or cosmetics. Every little bit helps reduce your exposure to cancer causing toxins.


Common Dreams May 23, 2014

Environ Health Perspect; DOI:10.1289/ehp.1307455

Rodale May 14, 2014

Chicago Tribune, Playing with Fire

Journal of Applied Toxicology January 12, 2012: 32(3); 219-232

Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2005) 97 (1): 1.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition December 28, 2011

Clinical Cancer Research October 15, 2005 11; 7490

Anticancer Research March 2014: 34(3); 1163-1166

UC San Diego Health System Press Release March 6, 2014

Time Magazine March 7, 2014

American Live Wire March 7, 2014

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Anticancer Research February 2011: 31(2); 607-611

UC San Diego Health System Press Release March 6, 2014

U.S. News & World Report August 30, 2010

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