Top Tips for Keeping This One Neglected Body System Clean and Healthy

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6.  Alternating Hot and Cold Water

The Swedes and Finnish people have known for hundreds, if not thousands, of years that alternating temperatures is good for circulation; both blood circulation and lymph circulation. You can alternate hot and cold in several different ways. In the shower is most likely the easiest place for most people to do this. Simply alternate water as hot as you can stand it with water as cold as you can stand it a couple of times before you jump out of the shower. This will make your blood vessels contract and dilate, which will stimulate your lymph system.


7. Stay Hydrated

In order for your lymph system to work properly, your body needs water.  You’ve probably heard this before, but it doesn’t make it any less true; drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of pure water each day, more if you are sweating, exercising heavily, or live in a very hot climate. Find out reasons for dehydration.


8. Alternative Therapies

Deep breathing exercises are known to stimulate lymph flow and bring fresh oxygen to the cells in your body. Acupuncture is another good way to stimulate the lymphatic flow. Yoga is another method many people find helps them get their lymph system stimulated and flowing.

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One Comment

  1. Gabe

    May 21, 2015 at 12:25 pm

    I would add deep massages, preferably by someone who loves you.