Top Tips for Living a Cancer Free Life

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3. Drink Some Red Wine

While we are on the subject of drinks, you should limit your intake of alcoholic drinks to one drink each day for women and two drinks each day for men. If you are wondering what would be the best or the healthiest drink, and then think about drinking red wine. The polyphenols, including resveratrol, which red wine contains are known to protect healthy cells in the body from the effects of aging. Red wine will also slow all three stages of cancer development (initiation, promotion, progression) by blocking the action of NF-kappa B. It’s the fermentation process that causes the higher concentration of these healthy polyphenols, much more so than simple grape juice. So consider having a glass of red wine with dinner tonight!


4. Watch Your Weight

This is another one that you’ve heard a million times but still rings true. Studies show that people who are overweight or obese have higher incidences of cancer.  We know that keeping your weight in check for many people is easier said than done and we aren’t here to do any bashing, so if you are overweight, we just want to offer a few suggestions. First, try to focus on not gaining any more weight. Even simply keeping your weight stable will help lower your risk of cancer. Then, you can start to make slow changes in your lifestyle and diet to perhaps help you to slowly lose a little weight. You don’t have to be a size 2 to be healthy. Try eating an apple before each meal. Then try to get in just 5 minutes of exercise two or three times per day, then slowly work yourself up to 10 or 15 minutes of exercise twice per day. Small changes can add up to big results. Even losing just a half a pound per week will result in about a 25 pound weight loss in one year.


5. Don’t Smoke

This is one you’ve heard before as well: Stop smoking and if you don’t smoke, don’t start. It might feel impossible, but it’s not. More than 1,000 people decide to stop smoking, and succeed, every single day in America. If you try to quit but end up going back to smoking, don’t feel bad. Many people try an average of 6 times before they quit for good. Keep trying and don’t give up!

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  1. Olivia Stone

    Nov 29, 2016 at 11:16 am

    Thank you for this post, as I have read in Consumer Health Digest, having family history of cancer can give someone in risk of acquiring it, but risk is only a possibility right? Thank you for shedding some light on things that could prevent cancer cells from forming. I will follow this by heart as I am also in risk

  2. Olivia Stone

    Aug 28, 2017 at 7:58 pm

    Thank you for this post, as I have read in Consumer Health Digest,
    having family history of cancer can give someone in risk of acquiring
    it, but risk is only a possibility right? I cant really move on since the death of my aunt to cancer, Thanks for this great tip on how to be cancer free