Top Tips On Maintaining Wellbeing Throughout The Winter

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6. De-clutter your space

Many of us tend to buy more during winter and the holiday season, as well as receiving gifts from family and friends. Don’t let everything clutter up around you waiting for a spring clean-up. By having a good old de-clutter now you’ll release the tension and stress which a messy environment can bring, clearing your mind and allowing you to relax. Why not have a yard sale with the stuff you want to get rid of and donate the money to charity? Or see if any of your loved ones are looking for the things you no longer need?


7. Give your lymphatic system a helping hand

The lymphatic system is basically our bodies waste removal mechanism which constantly works to eliminate toxins which would otherwise build up and cause us harm. With the colder temperatures, endless holiday food and lack of exercise that winter often brings, our lymphatic system can slow down leaving us feeling sluggish and unwell. A great way to encourage it to keep flowing properly is by dry skin brushing for a few minutes every day. By brushing towards the heart, the dry bristles encourage both the lymph fluid and blood to flow eliminating any built-up toxins. Top this off with a relaxing Epsom salt bath and your body will definitely thank you for it!


8. Get on the yoga mat

If it’s just simply too cold for you to go outside for a run or walk, yoga is an excellent alternative to stay in shape during the winter. Get yourself a good, comfortable yoga mat and have a look on YouTube for some good daily flow suggestions. Or, if you’re already a yoga aficionado, step up your game with a more advanced practise to really get the blood flowing, the muscles working, and the mind focused.

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