Top 10 Healthiest Foods to Eat After Giving Birth

Portrait of infant resting on mother moments after birth

Photo credit: bigstock

As expected, new mothers focus on their newborns and want to do everything possible to help their baby be as happy and healthy as humanly possible. That’s a good thing, but moms need to remember that taking care of themselves is vital for the health of your baby and your own. You need to eat healthy so you can take care of your little one and your infant is depending on your good health being passed on to him/her through your breast milk.

Your best chance of recovery after childbirth is to give your body lots of vitamins and minerals so it can restore itself and pass on important nutrients to your baby. Eat plenty of foods from the following list to ensure the health of you and your baby.


1. Salmon

You might hear people say that there is no such thing as a perfect food but salmon comes pretty darn close, especially for new moms.

Salmon is loaded with a fat called DHA, and this fat is vital to the development of your newborns nervous system. Your breast milk contains DHA but it’s higher in moms who consume more DHA in their diets.

There are also studies that suggest that eating foods rich in DHA can help prevent postpartum depression. If you want fresh salmon, limit yourself to 12 ounces per week (which is about 2 servings) or you can eat as much as you want of canned salmon.

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