Trying to Get Healthy? 12 Top Detrimental Habits You Need to Stop Today!

Salt spilling on table from salt cellar

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4.  Adding Salt to Everything

When you sit down to a plate of food, do you automatically reach for the salt shaker, even before you taste it? This is a big mistake. Just one teaspoon of salt has 2,300mgs of sodium, which is the limit for healthy adults. If you have high blood pressure or other health problems, the limit is 1,500mgs. Let’s not forget the salt in fast foods, canned foods, condiments (such as ketchup), that all contain high levels of sodium. Sodium is not your friend.

Taste your food before you reach for that salt shaker. You might find that you don’t even need, or miss, that added salt. Or try adding some herb mixtures or even lemon or lime juice. You might be surprised at how much you enjoy a different type of seasoning rather than salt.

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