Which Water is the Best for Detox Programs?

Water drop

Photo credit: bigstock

Earth might best be described as a water planet. More than 70 percent of the earth is covered in water. Lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, water seems to be almost everywhere! However, the sad truth is that most of our water is now polluted. Industries use waterways to dump their toxic waste; commercial farming leaches dangerous pollutants into our ground water. Jet fuel is found in well water and municipal water, along with mercury. Fracking dumps chemicals into groundwater every single day.

Water is life, friends. We can go weeks without eating but only days without water. Our blood is 83 percent water and all our other organs are made up of different percentages of water. It’s the ability of water to absorb and then deliver nutrients through our body that keeps the body alive. Every single chemical and biological process in the body must have water to function. Water not only moves nutrients to all the parts of the body, but it removes toxins and waste through urine and bowel movements.  We are 60 percent water and drinking sufficient amounts of water is what keeps us alive.

What used to be a natural, healthy liquid is now so tainted that we must treat our water so that our dirty water is at least drinkable. But even treated water contains toxic metals such as lead and arsenic, and toxic chemicals such as antibiotics and fluoride. A recent study shows that in the state of Louisiana, municipal water includes dangerous brain eating amebas!

Many of us are looking for other water sources as a safer alternative but which water is best?

First, let’s take a look at our choices:

  • Rain water
  • Well water
  • Spring water
  • Filtered water
  • Distilled water
  • Reverse osmosis water

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