10 Summer Health Problems You Can Prevent! (And Tips To Help You)

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Every summer, most people look forward to the time they can spend outdoors enjoying a little fun in the sun. For people who live in colder parts of the world, they welcome the few months that allow them to go on a picnic, spend the day at the beach, or lay around the pool sipping on a frosty beverage.  With all of these fun things to do, there are also many health issues that seem to only pop up in the summer. Many of them have to do with the activities that are conducted during the warmer months. Here are 10 health conditions you should watch out for this summer.


1. Swimmer’s Ear

If you find yourself with swimmer’s ear you are not alone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC, estimate that more than 2.4 million people will end up at the doctor’s office paying more than $500 million in health care bills every year. Make sure to remove all of the water from your ear after getting out of the pool or out of the shower with a towel. Pull your ear lobe and tilt your head around to let all of the water drain out. Do not use a cotton swab because it just pushes the water back into the canal.


2. Asthma

The heat and humidity of the summer months make for higher pollen counts, additional air pollution and smog, and more mold. These conditions will aggravate breathing conditions for people who suffer from asthma. Try not to go outdoors if you find out that the pollen count is dangerously high.


KEEP READING: 20 Ways To Treat Seasonal Allergies Naturally


3. Food poisoning

Another casualty of the summer months is the safety of our food. The United States Department of Agriculture claims that food poisoning issues are twice as likely to occur during the summer than during any other time of the year. Around 76 million people end up with food poisoning every year. Symptoms include upset stomach, dehydration, nausea, and fatigue. Try to keep all food that is going to be consumed outdoors covered and refrigerated. Do not eat food that has been out for over an hour if the temperature has risen to more than 90 degrees.

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4. Hand, foot, and mouth disease

Formally called the Coxsackie virus, infections such as the hand, foot, and mouth disease mostly affect kids less than 10 years of age. Symptoms include sore throat, fever, blisters on the feet and hands, and oral ulcers. Usually the children begin drooling and do not want to drink any liquids. Get as many liquids into the children as you can through soft foods such as applesauce and Jell-O. This condition goes away in about a week. Use a saltwater rinse for the mouth for pain.


5. Lyme disease

This disease has grown by 65 percent in the last 10 years and many times has been misdiagnosed. It is a severe condition that is caused by insects with its popularity increasing in June and July every year. Exposure to a tick is what especially causes it. See a doctor immediately if you have a headache, fever, paralysis in your face, and a rash. You can use an insect repellant to try to avoid getting Lyme disease, just make sure it has at least 20 percent DEET.


6. Poisonous plants

Being outside more during the summer puts you exposed to plants such as poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. It has been found that 85 percent of people are allergic to the oil and sap of these plants. Symptoms occur pretty quickly so once you find a rash and a swollen itchy area, you can begin applying topical creams to cut down on the pain and enflamed areas.


7. Sunburn

Being outdoors between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. any day of the week will get you more than a suntan, you’ll likely end up with sunburn first. Make sure you use a sunscreen that has an SPF of 15 or more so that you don’t end up with a bad sunburn. If you can, cover up with clothing including a large wide brimmed hat and sunglasses. You can even end up with a sunburn if it’s cloudy outside.


KEEP READING: Everything You Need To Know About Sunscreen This Summer


8. Heat stroke

When your body is unable to regulate the high temperatures, you may end up with heat stroke. Symptoms of this condition include a serious headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, and you may even end up unconscious. Try to stay out of extreme heat for long periods of time and make sure you stay hydrated at all times. If you experience any of the symptoms listed, you should seek medical attention immediately.


9. Boating accidents

Many people look forward to having fun on the open sea, but too many of them combine extreme heat and alcoholic beverages. Drinking while maneuvering a boat can be a deadly combination as your judgment easily becomes impaired. Make sure everyone has access to a life jacket and knows exactly where they are as soon as they board the boat. The more people who know CPR and are trained in first aid the better.


10. Dehydration

They say that by the time you are thirsty, you are probably already dehydrated. This condition means more than you are just low on fluids, the symptoms become serious and you may find yourself lightheaded, your mouth dry, and you are very dizzy. Trying to get as many fluids into your body as you are sweating out in the hot sun could be a difficult task. You may need medical attention or you will begin having seizures, hallucinations, or even pass out.

If summer is your favorite time of the year, make sure you take every precaution that you can when exposing yourself to the hot sun. Always have a cooler full of water and ice and keep a first aid kit handy with ointments for bug bites, sunburns, cuts, and any other conditions you’ll experience mainly in the summer.






