13 Vitamins Every Woman Needs (#9 Is So Hard To Get!)

Healthy diet concept

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Modern day women are much more interested in eating a healthier diet and getting regular exercise than their grandmothers were.  But did you know that a healthy diet, even a completely organic one, can give you all the necessary vitamins and minerals that today’s women need for their more active lifestyles?

For the body to function properly, women need vitamins, which are organic compounds. Each vitamin and mineral performs specific function(s) in the body. A deficiency in any one of them can cause you to feel tired, sick, weak, and unable to concentrate. Severe deficiencies can even lead to serious health consequences.

Most modern day vitamins are synthetic in nature, so you should look for vitamin and mineral supplements that come from more natural sources as much as possible. Multi-vitamins, although they sound great, are almost always completely synthetic.

Although it is best to get your vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat, with our depleted soils, it is nearly impossible to do so. It is also difficult to tell if you have consumed sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in your foods.

The following is a list of the top 13 vitamins and minerals that every adult woman needs every single day. Keep reading and find out which of these you should consuming each day and why.


1.  Calcium

Calcium is vital for keeping our teeth and bones strong and healthy. Calcium is also important for sending messages throughout the nervous system, helps the blood vessels and muscles contract as well as for the secretion of hormones.  As women age, their bones can become less dense and thinner, especially after menopause. This is why it is vital that women get plenty of calcium. You can grow new bones at every age so even if your doctor has told you that your bones are less dense than they were in the past, you can still grow new bones. Calcium is your absolute best defense against bone loss. Take a calcium supplement (but not to excess as it can lead to the formation of kidney stones) or eat plenty of dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, and spinach, and almonds.

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