15 Of The Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies Most Americans Have

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

If you eat a balanced, natural diet, chances are good that you are getting all of the important vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Too many of us, however, do not eat a perfect diet most of the time. Actually, not even half of the time. Now imagine your kid’s diet. Once they hit 10 or so years of age, kids tend to eat whatever it is their friends are eating. This includes plenty of fast food and French fries.

Even if you do eat well and your children are small enough that you can control their diet, where your food was grown can influence its nutritional content. Also, let’s not forget other factors that are really out of your control – your age, the health of your digestive tract, and even certain health conditions can have a huge influence on the amount of nutrients that your body can actually absorb from the foods you eat.

In many cases, nutritional deficiencies can be terribly difficult to diagnose, and you might not develop any symptoms at all until the deficiency is fairly pronounced.

If you have been having health problems or symptoms that your doctor cannot seem to pinpoint, you might have nothing more than the lack of a certain vitamin, mineral, or amino acid.

Want to know more? Keep reading; there is a great deal of helpful information in the following list of 15 very common nutritional deficiencies in the American diet today.


1. Potassium

This mineral is very important to the body for the proper functioning of numerous organs, including the heart, kidneys, and other organs. It is also vital for proper blood pressure. You can become potassium deficient fairly quickly simply with a good case of food poisoning or from excessive sweating, such as when playing sports on a hot day. Long-term potassium deficiency leads to kidney disease and is frequently seen in those with eating disorders. Potassium is vital for converting your food into energy and for helping the body build muscle as well. If you want to lose weight or if you want to gain muscle, you need potassium. You can get more potassium from bananas, whole grains, and dairy products.

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