Best 6 Quick And Easy Ways To Quiet A Racing Mind

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If you have tried to practice meditation, but found it difficult because your mind just simply won’t “be quiet”, don’t feel badly. You are not alone. Many people feel as they are doomed to a life of scrambled thoughts and racing minds because they can’t seem to find the trick that allows them to quiet their thoughts so they can find personal peace.

Meditation is such an important vital activity that can calm stress and make you a more focused person at work. It’s no wonder almost everyone wants to jump on the meditation bandwagon. Studies have shown that meditation can increase your perceptual ability, give you increased job satisfaction, makes you more social and even less aggressive. Practicing meditation can make you feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and give you a new perspective on those “big” problems.

Calming your mind so that you can meditate isn’t an insurmountable problem. All you really need is to follow some helpful tips until you learn how to calm those racing thoughts.

Take a look at the 6 techniques that can help you calm your mind so you can practice meditation.


1. Consider What You See When Your Eyes are Closed

If someone asked you what you saw when you close your eyes, most of us would say “black”. But the truth of the matter is, that what we see when our eyes are closed says a lot about us. Close your eyes and then focus on what you actually see. Chances are good that you don’t really see just black. Is it a mixture of colors? One color? No matter what you are seeing, pay attention to it. This is a great starting place to quiet your thoughts. Just think about one thing, one simple thing, what is it you see when your eyes are closed?


2. Scan the Body

If you think about it, our bodies are very complicated and intricate devices. When you break down the body part by part, it can be pretty interesting. This is a great way to quiet your mind. Start to scan your body, from bottom to top, and think about how each particular part feels. Of course, at first, you laugh at some of the thoughts you come up with (my feet feel stinky) but by the time you reach your midsection, you might be pleasantly surprised at how energized you feel. This calms your mind by shifting your focus from the outside world to the simple things that make up your body.


3. Connect to Nature

If you work or live in the city, staying connected to nature is more important than ever. There is nothing that will make you feel more peaceful than to meditate while sitting close to nature herself. Nature is colorful and just as “happening” as a city, but it is much more calm and connective. Cities are rampant and terribly distracting. For some reason, a few birds twittering is calming but a few people talking is distracting. Focus on how calmly trees sway in a gentle breeze or how ants march along as if to a tune. You will soon find yourself gently in tune as well.

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