Eat Right To Live Longer

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Another major thing to be concerned about is sugars

The fact is that many modern people just plain eat too much sugar. The worst kind is high fructose corn syrup. It’s truly staggering how many foods this sweetener is in. It can be found in almost all processed foods, as well as candy, and it’s the primary sweetener for most carbonated sodas, even many fruit juices which might appear to be healthy.

High sugar intake has also been definitively linked to a higher risk of obesity, which in turn is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and shorter life.

Do your best to reduce the amount sugar you take in. Instead of soda, eat some fruit. It’s filled with natural sugar and will give you energy without rotting your teeth and making you fat.


Finally let’s talk about salt

Many people are aware that they eat too much sodium and that this can cause high blood pressure. But this is only half the picture. The mineral potassium plays an important role in helping regulate the amount of sodium in your body. In addition to reducing your salt intake, eat more potassium-rich foods like avocados, bananas and black beans, which can help your body get rid of excess salt.


So, what should you be eating?

Healthy fats found in foods like wild-caught fish, coconut oil, nuts and extra virgin olive oil are excellent for giving you energy, and no, they won’t make you fat. Lean proteins are good, and be sure to eat plenty of vegetables, especially leafy green ones like spinach, kale, collards and more. These are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which help fight oxidative stress on your cells, one of the contributing factors to the aging process. Dairy is okay if your body can tolerate it, but try to get dairy products from grass-fed cows.


READ ALSO: 7 Superfoods For A Longer Life Infographic


This is just an introductory guide, and it should serve as a compass that will point you in the direction of specific healthy foods to buy. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that step today and choose to make good dietary choices, and someday you’ll be able to pass on those same lessons to your great-grandchildren.


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