How To Make Your Own Non-Toxic Stain Remover

cleaning and home concept - close up of male cleaning stain on c

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Super Natural Stain Remover


  • 3.3 ounces of white vinegar
  • 3.3 ounces of pure soap (such as Castile soap)
  • 3.3 ounces of mineral water
  • A spray bottle

Place all ingredients in the spray bottle and shake a few times before use. Spray on the offending stain and allow to work for 10 or 15 minutes. You can scrub with a brush if you like, but this isn’t necessary most of the time. Wash the item if possible, or rinse with a bit of cold water or use a wet rag to wipe off. If you cannot wash the item (such as a car seat) and the stain is still there, repeat the application. Some older, more set-in stains might require two to four treatments to get rid of them. Don’t give up! If you can wash the item, but the stain is still visible, you can reapply the stain remover and rewash or try our trick of putting it out in direct sunlight.


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Using the ingredients listed above, you should be able to remove just about any stain from almost any item. Lemon juice works well on rust or perspiration stains. Simply mix with a bit of water, leave it in the sun for a few hours, then dry.

Other stains, especially red-colored stains such as wine or blood, often come right out by simply pouring some hydrogen peroxide on them, waiting for a few minutes, and then rinsing in cold water.

There are dozens of combinations using the ingredients above. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find the best “recipe” that works for you.


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