The Spice That Prevents Fluoride From Destroying Your Brain


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For years there has been a debate over whether adding fluoride to our drinking water is a good thing or not. Those who are in favor of having fluoride added believe that it prevents cavities in our teeth. Much of the focus has been on adding it to the water to protect children’s teeth.

Fluoride can be found naturally in water and in the crust of the earth. T is a trace mineral, but when it is added to our drinking water it is not a natural occurrence. The debate continues as the Centers for Disease Control in the US have called adding fluoride into our drinking water “one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.”

That being said, the World Health Organization has labeled the mineral a toxin that occurs naturally. It has been found that there was no reduction in cavities in the teeth of those who live in countries where fluoride has been added. The one thing that people do seem to agree upon is that while it is a trace mineral, fluoride is also a neurotoxin and it is capable of destroying your brain.

As a potentially dangerous neurotoxin, there are many ways that fluoride can damage your brain. Listed below are 9 ways it can seriously harm your brain.


1. It will lower your I.Q.

The facts are in and they have been documented. China Medical University and Harvard School of Public Health joined forces and conducted an analysis of 27 studies that tested the effects of fluoride on the development of the brain. The results showed that children who had fluoride in their water had much lower IQ scores than those who did not. There have been over 50 clinical studies proving that fluoride did affect a person’s IQ.

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Small Girl in the kitchen with her mother drinking water

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2. Fluoride raises your chances of lowering your thyroid

Researchers found that when fluoride was added to the water, there were twice as many people who suffered from hypothyroidism. When a person develops low thyroid the side effects include depression, anxiety, loss of memory, brain fog, and other mental health problems related to the brain.


3. It increases your chances of developing Alzheimer’s

A clinical study in the 70s showed that patients who had Alzheimer’s had brains with a high level of neurotoxic aluminum. When the researchers found that fluoride was exposed to aluminum, they joined together and surpassed the blood-brain barrier that was supposed to keep it out but allowed it to pass to the brain.


4. As a neurotoxin, it destroys several parts of the brain

Fluoride is a neurotoxin which means that it can be destructive to the spinal cord, nervous system, and brain tissues. Because it was determined to be a developmental neurotoxin it was put in the same category as arsenic, lead, mercury, toluene, and PCB. This means that it is responsible for increased cases of autism, dyslexia, ADHD, disruptive behavior, and several other impairments in stemming from the brain.


5. It can impair the function of the pineal gland

The pineal gland houses melatonin as it is produced. Besides helping you sleep, melatonin is an antioxidant that protects the brain. It reduces any damage in the brain such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. When fluoride begins to build up in the pineal gland it disturbs the level of melatonin and the result is depression, insomnia, and rapid aging of the brain.

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6. Fluoride can cause a degeneration of the nervous system

When fluoride is able to get past the blood-brain barrier, it affects certain parts of the brain, such as the neocortex, cerebellum, and the hippocampus. When these parts are affected by fluoride, problems arise in memory, sensory perception, language skills, coordination, and balance. Sometimes the damage even reaches the spinal cord and the sciatic nerve.


7. As an additive to antidepressants, it can cause depression

It may surprise you to know that many antidepressants contain large amounts of fluoride. While fluoride has been known to cause depression, you can find it in Zoloft, Lexapro, and Paxil. You might want to talk to your doctor to see if there are any antidepressants you can switch to that do not contain fluoride.


8. Fluoride can increase your chances of ADHD

When water was beginning to be added to the supplies of water in the 1990s, it was the same time that the number of ADHD cases increased as well. The Centers for Disease Control found that the percentage of places providing fluoride in the water changes with every state. They found that more than 67% of the population in our country is subject to fluoridation. The highest levels are in Washington DC, but lowest is in Hawaii.


What Spice Can Keep Fluoride from Destroying Your Brain?

You now know what fluoride can do to your brain, but the good news is that there is a spice that is able to prevent this from happening. Curcumin, a major constituent of turmeric, has been found to be effective in dealing with issues related to fluoride.

There have been over two hundred studies that were peer-reviewed and published in medical journals proving that curcumin is a proven neuroprotective agent when dealing with issues relating to fluoride. Turmeric has also been proven to protect the brain and there are over 115 published articles that show how it restores and protects the brain.


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The studies that have been published in medical journals prove that turmeric has been able to keep the brain that is getting older from developing dementia or succumbing to premature death. Turmeric also proved it was able to provide “remarkable” recovery to those suffering from Alzheimer’s.

