Top 12 Best Herbs for Dealing with Back Pain Naturally

It seems as if almost everyone suffers from some sort of back pain every now and then.

There are more than 100 plants that are well known for having pain relieving compounds, but some are simply, well, outstanding in their fields, if you will.

Some of these plants have been tested and found to be excellent at relieving pain, and others have been used traditionally for ages.

White Willow Bark Herb

Photo credit: bigstock

Take a look at the top 12, all natural herbs that can help kick back pain to the curb and help you get back in the game.


1. White Willow Bark

This is one of the oldest analgesics, going back at least as far as 500 BC, and possibly even before, in China. Even modern research shows that this age old home remedy can help with back, nerve, and osteoarthritic pain. Willow bark contains salicin, salicylic acid, and apigenin. This means it has analgesic, anti-neuralgic, and anti-inflammatory capabilities. A study done with more than 200 subjects who suffered from back pain reported that 40 percent of those who received 240mg of white willow bark daily for four weeks were pain free as compared to only 6 percent of those who received a placebo. This study was listed in the American Journal of Medicine in 2000. Read more about white willow bark as a cure for arthritis.

Willow bark can be purchased either as a tea or as a standardized extract. Never give willow bark to children, however, or anyone with allergies to aspirin products.


2. Arnica

You can purchase this in either a cream, or in tablet form. Osteoarthritic pain in the knees and pain from carpal tunnel can be relieved with arnica. Besides an analgesic, it contain helenin, as well as anti-inflammatory properties., Apply the cream twice daily and take tablets according to directions.


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3. Oregano

This tasty herb should be used liberally on your food, along with thyme, and rosemary. All three of these herbs are full of anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and analgesic compounds. Oregano alone has more than 30 anti-inflammatories! Mix and match these herbs to compliment your food or turn that herb garden into a super pain relieving tea mixture. Add one cup of boiling water to a cup with one teaspoon of dried herbs. Let steep for 5 to 10 minutes, strain well, and serve.


4. Boswellia

Boswellia serrata has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, along with helpful acids that can soothe injuries due to sports or osteoarthritic knee pain. Take a standardized capsule that contains between 30 to 65 percent boswellic acids and aim for between 150 to 400mgs three times per day for two to three months.


5. Gingerroot

Gingerroot has super anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help to relieve mild pain from fibromyalgia as well as abdominal cramps. Take between 1 to 4 grams of powdered ginger daily, divided into two to four doses. Of course you could always make tea from one teaspoon of freshly chopped organic gingerroot which has simmered in a cup of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Find out also how to make all natural ginger ale.


6. Licorice Root

The German Commission recommends this root for sore throats due to its 10 analgesic, 9 anesthetic, and 20 anti-inflammatory properties. Licorice root is on this list for the same reasons. Make a pain relieving tea by simmering about 2 teaspoons of the dried root in one cup of boiling water for about 15 minutes. Strain well and drink. Avoid this remedy if you have hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease, glaucoma, or heart conditions.


7. Green Tea

Green tea has nine muscle relaxing compounds, more than any other plant so this is a great way to relieve those sore back muscles. You can drink it hot or iced, but always brew it fresh at home as store bought bottles and cans contain no health benefits at all.


8. Feverfew

This is another very old home remedy that many people use for migraines and headaches. It’s generally available in 60mg capsules. Take between 1 and 6 capsules daily. You can also make tea by steeping 2 to 8 fresh leaves in very hot water. Don’t boil the leaves, as this breaks down the active ingredients in the plant.


9. Clove Oil

Although this is an old fashioned home remedy for a toothache it works great for your back as well. Add a few drops to a base oil such as sweet almond oil or olive oil, and ask someone for a nice little back massage.


10. Fennel

The seeds from this plant is chocked full of 16 analgesics and 27 antispasmodic compounds. It has a gentle licorice flavor and makes a great tea. Due to its antispasmodic properties, it’s also great for menstrual cramps. Pregnant women or nursing mothers should avoid this herb, however.


11. Capsaicin

This is the active ingredient in chili peppers but don’t worry, you don’t have to rub chilies on your body or eat them. This natural pain reliever is available in a cream or ointment and is sold almost everywhere. As much as 40 percent of patients suffering from arthritis or other types of pain found that applying the cream every day for one month nearly eliminated all their pain.


12. Red Seaweed

This supplement is full of red seaweed that is rich in magnesium and calcium. Clinical studies show that the ingredients in this supplement reduce joint inflammation. These types of products are sold in most health food stores under various names.

Pain is multidimensional, therefore, our tools for fighting it needs to be too. If you are having other symptoms along with pain, you should search out possible root causes such as physical strain, vitamin or mineral deficiency, emotional stress, or disease. When you find the root cause it’s easier to choose the appropriate herbal remedy and restore yourself to optimal health.
