10 Bizarre Things That are Killing Your Gut

Aspirin Bottle with Aspirins

Photo credit: bigstock.com


You might not know them by this name, but you know what these are; chances are you probably call them pain killers or headache meds. Things like aspirin, ibuprofen, or Motrin.  Consuming these pain killers frequently, or even on a regular basis cause damage to the lining of the gut, which allow things like partially digested food, toxins, and microbes to enter your bloodstream. This issue is called “leaky gut.”

Although these pain killers do stop the pain by blocking cytokines and eicosanoids that encourage inflammation, they also block things that promote healing in the gut.  You can use these for occasional pain but if you have chronic, ongoing pain, look for root causes, consider taking herbal pain relievers instead, or talk to your doctor about other options.

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