10 Everyday Foods That Can Kill You

bean soup

Photo credit: bigstock

3. Lima Beans

You knew there was a reason you didn’t want to eat lima beans as a kid, didn’t you?! Although it’s true that all beans, including lima beans, are a valuable food. They are very high in protein, fiber, minerals, complex carbs, while remaining low in fat and cholesterol. But what you probably don’t know is that lima beans contain a protein that is toxic if they are eaten raw. It’s true.

The name of this toxin is phytohemagglutinin, or PHA for short, and it belong to a rather ordinary group of proteins called lectins. Lectins are glycoproteins that are actually in a wide variety of plant type foods, especially in seeds. In many cases they aren’t harmful because they are eaten in small amounts. But some lectins, like the ones in uncooked lima beans, can be deadly. One of the most dangerous poisons known to man, ricin, is simple a lectin that comes from the seeds of the castor bean.

The PHA in beans are is deactivated and reduced to harmless levels by as little as 10 minutes of cooking in boiling water. So, as long as you don’t eat them raw, you can make your mom happy and eat all the lima beans she puts on you plate.

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One Comment

  1. alaskaman

    Oct 25, 2014 at 3:52 am

    10 everyday foods? Since when is fugu or puffer fish everyday food?