10 Summer Health Problems You Can Prevent! (And Tips To Help You)

Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com

Every summer, most people look forward to the time they can spend outdoors enjoying a little fun in the sun. For people who live in colder parts of the world, they welcome the few months that allow them to go on a picnic, spend the day at the beach, or lay around the pool sipping on a frosty beverage.  With all of these fun things to do, there are also many health issues that seem to only pop up in the summer. Many of them have to do with the activities that are conducted during the warmer months. Here are 10 health conditions you should watch out for this summer.


1. Swimmer’s Ear

If you find yourself with swimmer’s ear you are not alone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC, estimate that more than 2.4 million people will end up at the doctor’s office paying more than $500 million in health care bills every year. Make sure to remove all of the water from your ear after getting out of the pool or out of the shower with a towel. Pull your ear lobe and tilt your head around to let all of the water drain out. Do not use a cotton swab because it just pushes the water back into the canal.


2. Asthma

The heat and humidity of the summer months make for higher pollen counts, additional air pollution and smog, and more mold. These conditions will aggravate breathing conditions for people who suffer from asthma. Try not to go outdoors if you find out that the pollen count is dangerously high.


KEEP READING: 20 Ways To Treat Seasonal Allergies Naturally


3. Food poisoning

Another casualty of the summer months is the safety of our food. The United States Department of Agriculture claims that food poisoning issues are twice as likely to occur during the summer than during any other time of the year. Around 76 million people end up with food poisoning every year. Symptoms include upset stomach, dehydration, nausea, and fatigue. Try to keep all food that is going to be consumed outdoors covered and refrigerated. Do not eat food that has been out for over an hour if the temperature has risen to more than 90 degrees.

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