10 Of The Most Common Myths About Aging

Senior men sitting front of cake birthday ask yourself how old a

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6. Falls are a normal part of aging

While it is true that many older individuals will experience a fall, this is certainly not a normal or inevitable part of aging. Evidence shows that many falls can be prevented through medication adjustments, having your vision checked, strength and balance exercises, and keeping your home free of tripping hazards. Falls are dangerous and should never be dismissed as “normal.”


7. Older adults are not productive employees

Another common misconception is the idea that older adults are slower, less productive employees. However, research has shown that about 75% of individuals agree that older adults have a better work ethic than younger generations. Beyond work ethic, older individuals are likely to bring years of experience with them. This leads to better leadership skills and more experience from which to draw.


8. Aging leads to sickness and disability

While the vast majority of older adults have a chronic condition such as hypertension or high cholesterol, so do many middle age adults. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all older individuals have drastically worse health than their younger counterparts. Most of these conditions are manageable with the help of a medical provider. Many individuals live active, healthy lives well into their 80s or 90s.

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