10 Tips And Exercises To Help Get Rid Of Turkey Neck


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Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Chin and Neck Exercises

Again, although you can’t spot exercise and remove fat, you can strengthen and tone the muscles that support the skin. There are a few neck exercises you can do that will help to tone up the soft skin under the chin and neck.

  • Stretch your neck by lifting your head away from your chest. Stretch it as far back as possible, looking at the ceiling. Leave the mouth open just slightly so that you feel these neck muscles, called the platysma, stretch and tighten. Hold for a count of 10, and then return to a normal position. Repeat at least 10 times each day.
  • Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Hold your head high, your knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell (two pounds is all you need) in each hand. Allow your arms to hand loosely. Using only your shoulders, lift the dumbbells by “shrugging” your shoulders. Your arms should remain straight the entire time. Use only your neck and shoulder muscles to do this. You will feel this one very quickly! Hold for a count of two, and then return to the neutral position. Repeat 12 times.
  • Lie on your back on a weight bench or an armless sofa so that your head hangs off the edge. Keep your arms at your sides. Let your head hang down, then lift it up, as if you were trying to look at the ceiling. Don’t over stretch it; just lift it up enough that you feel the back of your neck working and your neck muscle stretching. Hold your head up for a count of 10, and then lower it. Repeat for 10 reps.
  • You can sit in a chair or stand up for this exercise. No matter which position you prefer, keep your spine straight, your head in the middle of your shoulders, and don’t slouch forward. Roll your chin to one shoulder, hold for a count of two, then roll your chin to the center of your chest and hold for a count of two, then roll to your other shoulder and hold for a count of two. Imagine that you are trying to touch your chin to your shoulder. Work slowly to avoid straining your neck. Repeat 10 times.
  • Sit on a chair and maintain good posture. Look at the ceiling with your mouth closed, then imagine that you are chewing gum. Continue for 30 seconds. Return to start and rest for 10 seconds, then repeat three more times for a total of four reps.
  • Always be cautious when you are exercising your neck. A strained neck muscle is very painful. Your neck muscles are very sensitive, which can make them difficult to train and strengthen, so be realistic and take your time.


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Extra Tips:

– Chew gum; this works the facial and jaw muscles

– Sit up straight and don’t slouch. Slouching accentuates the fat in your neck

– Use a posture correcting chair if necessary

– Be patient. Do not expect to lose all your face and neck fat in a week

– Be kind to yourself; no one is perfect






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