10 Ways This One Type Of Food Is Killing You Slowly (#10 is Spot On!)

Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com

Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com

3.  Processed Foods Are Easy To Eat

Although this might sound like a big plus, you know, “so creamy it melts in your mouth”, you need fiber in your diet. Food manufacturers need their foods to have a long shelf life. Since they also want each batch of their product to have a similar consistency and taste they often make their foods deliberately easy to chew and swallow.

This is because almost all the fiber has been removed. It takes much less time to eat processed foods than whole foods, which means you can swallow down a whole lot more before you even realize it. It also takes your body less time to digest these foods. We only burn half as many calories digesting processed foods as we do whole foods. Add the extra calories we are eating and you can see how easy it is to gain weight eating processed foods.

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