11 Natural Ways To Ease Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Without Risky Surgery

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Epsom Salt Soak

A natural muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory agent, this magnesium-rich substance can really help to relax the overly tight muscles in your arms, hands, wrists, and fingers. Add 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salts to a very warm bath and soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat three or more times each week.


8. Blackstrap Molasses

Not just regular molasses, but blackstrap molasses. This type of molasses is a terrific source of magnesium, which is a natural muscle relaxant. It also contains B vitamins, calcium, and potassium, which all help to keep bones and muscles strong while encouraging good circulation. Mix two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses in one cup of warm milk and drink once each day.


9. Castor Oil

Grandma might have told you that this was good for what ails you, and she was right. Of course she never imagined it would also work for carpal tunnel syndrome. Castor oil can suppress pain and reduce inflammation while restoring more normal function to your hands and wrists. You can warm some castor oil and use it as a massage oil. Once you have finished massaging your hands, wrap your wrists and hands in a towel and allow the oil to penetrate the skin for 30 to 45 minutes. Repeat once each day.


10. Acupuncture and Acupressure

Both acupuncture and acupressure can offer relief from carpal tunnel syndrome and restore normal nerve function. They can also help to stop the pain. If your doctor has told you that only surgery can help, try acupuncture or acupressure first. The Journal of Research in Medical Sciences found in a 2012 study that acupuncture was very helpful in reducing the symptoms and pain of carpal tunnel syndrome. Always consult with a skilled and qualified acupuncturist.


11. Stretching Exercises

If you suffer from carpal tunnel, it is very helpful to flex, rotate and stretch your arms, wrists and fingers several times each day. This will improve blood circulation and can help to relieve pain and pressure. You can do simple stretching exercises almost anywhere and anytime you have a few minutes.

For example, you can make a fist for a count of 5, then shake out your fingers for a count of 10. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Another good stretching exercise is to put your hands in a prayer position. Now spread the fingers apart but keep the tips of the fingers touching each other while you open and close the palms. Repeat for 3 to 5 minutes.

You can also shake your hands as if they were wet and you needed to dry them for 3 to 5 minutes at a time.


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Ask your doctor if they can recommend and show you other stretching exercises, or speak with a physical therapist about stretching and strengthening exercises.

Extra Tips:

  • Eat plenty of antioxidant rich foods, such as tomatoes, bell peppers, cherries, blueberries, and strawberries
  • Consume healthy oils such as olive oil and coconut oil
  • Use a wrist pad when typing or using a computer mouse for longer periods of time
  • Keep your arms elevated when watching television or when sleeping to reduce swelling
  • Include more fish into your diet; the best fish to eat are cold-water salmon and halibut
  • Take 3-minute breaks every 30 minutes when you are typing
  • Practice yoga to help stretch and strengthen the joints





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