12 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Pineapples

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10.  Beautiful Bones

Manganese is essential for bone health and pineapple has plenty of this to spare!  Studies have shown that low levels of this trace mineral in the body have resulted in bone loss and even malformation of the bones. Eating a diet high in manganese can help to stop osteoporosis or low bone density as we age. Manganese also protects our bodies from the damage caused by free radicals, which prevents chronic diseases such as cancer.


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11. Fights Inflammation

Bromelain is naturally anti-inflammatory, which can help with issues such as sprains, muscle strains and injuries, tendonitis, and bruising. It can also help ease the pain of gout and arthritis. Try adding one cup of fresh pineapple to your daily diet for super anti-inflammatory power.


12.  Supports Healthy Vision

Pineapples are also high in vitamin A, which is important as we age. Vitamin A has been shown to protect us from age-related macular degeneration and for keeping our eyesight healthy as we grow older. The Archives of Ophthalmology published a study that found eating three servings of pineapple each day can lower the risk of developing macular degeneration by as much as 36 percent!

One last fun fact about pineapples: Did you know that this fruit is actually made up of individual little berries that fuse together around the core? Think of pineapple as one huge berry just for fun!






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