12 Cancer Symptoms Most Women Ignore But Shouldn’t

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

4. Unexplained Weight Loss

If you are dieting or exercising hard in order to lose weight, good for you! Eating a healthy diet and getting some regular exercise can actually curb your risk of developing cancer. However, if you have lost more than 10 pounds and you haven’t been trying to lose weight, you should talk to your doctor as soon as possible.


5. Swollen Leg

If your leg feels or looks swollen, and you don’t have a good reason for the swelling, it could be a sign of cervical cancer. However, a swollen leg is not necessarily a sign of cancer unless it is accompanied by other symptoms such as unusual discharge, abdominal pain, or other types of cervical cancer.


6. Unexplained Fatigue

Running after small children or an extremely busy week at work is enough to wear out even the hardiest female. Most women recover with a few good nights’ rest or a nap, but if your fatigue is extreme, interfering with your normal work or leisure activities, see a doctor. Menopausal women often feel fatigued in the afternoons, but if your fatigue continues daily for more than two weeks, see your doctor for a check-up.

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