12 Easy Ways To Save Your Kidneys And Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

7. Chinese Rhubarb

This plant is also a mild diuretic that encourages detoxification. By increasing the excretion of metabolic waste, it will lower creatinine levels naturally. This plant also improves overall kidney function. Boil one stalk of Chinese rhubarb in one cup of water. Strain and drink this twice each day for 7 to 10 days. If you have a history of kidney stones, choose another method.


8. Cinnamon

No, the people you saw in that YouTube video doing the cinnamon challenge were not trying to lower their creatinine levels, but you can use it to do exactly that! Cinnamon is good for those with kidney problems and high creatinine levels. This spice increases urine output and stimulates renal filtration. Cinnamon also regulates blood sugar levels, which can prevent further kidney damage. Add cinnamon to everything! Your baked goods, oatmeal, coffee, hot chocolate, and cereal. Consume no more than one teaspoon of cinnamon each day.


9. Sage

Sage has been found in studies to help remove creatinine from subjects who were suffering from kidney failure. Sage removes creatinine from the body as well as improving blood circulation. Drink one cup of sage tea three times each day. Please note that if you are diabetic or if you have liver or kidney disease, you should choose another remedy.

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